Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installation
- System requirements
- Registering iPhoto Library Manager
- About iPhoto libraries
- A note about iPhoto version numbers
- Managing iPhoto libraries
- Creating a new library
- Adding an existing library
- Removing a library
- Duplicating a library
- Moving a library
- Renaming a library
- Accessing an iPhoto library on another Mac
- Using Aperture libraries with iPhoto 9.3 and later
- Using your iPhoto libraries
- Opening a library
- Using library shortcuts
- Using a digital camera with multiple libraries
- Using web galleries with multiple libraries
- Using Photo Stream with multiple libraries
- Browsing your iPhoto libraries
- Grid view
- List view
- Viewing full sized photos
- The information pane
- Searching for photos
- Multi-library search
- Browsing tips and tricks
- Finding duplicate photos
- Find Duplicates overview
- Starting the duplicate finding process
- Browsing your duplicates
- Choosing keepers with duplicate rules
- Criteria details
- Performing actions on duplicate photos
- Changing duplicate actions manually
- Duplicate tips and tricks
- Copying between iPhoto libraries
- Copying albums and events
- Copying individual photos
- Importing new photos into a library
- Merging libraries
- Previewing your copying
- Handling duplicates when copying
- What can and can't be copied
- Log files
- Rebuilding a corrupted iPhoto library
- Common tasks
- Copying photos from one Mac to another
- Merging libraries from two different Macs
- Copying photos from a CD/DVD backup
- Restoring photos from Time Machine
- Storing a library on an external drive
- Splitting a library into smaller libraries
- Creating a new library using photos not already in iPhoto
- Transferring your iPhoto Library Manager setup to a new Mac
- Preferences
- Frequently asked questions
- How can I make the same list of keywords appear in all my iPhoto libraries?
- If I just copied an album to another library, is it safe to delete that album from the original library? How do I do that?
- Why is the rebuilt/merged copy of my library smaller than the original library?
- Can I use iPhoto Library Manager to "downgrade" my library to an older version of iPhoto?
- How does iPhoto Library Manager handle photos stored outside the iPhoto library package?
- I moved a bunch of duplicates to the trash, but how do I move them back out?
- Troubleshooting
- Disappearing iPhoto libraries on external drives
- Dealing with a corrupt iPhoto library
- iPhoto Library Manager stops and displays an error message when copying or merging
- iPhoto gives an error message when trying to open a library
- iPhoto Library Manager’s progress stalls during a long operation
- The installed version of iPhoto is not compatible with the installed version of OS X
- Support
- Release notes