Fat Cat Software

PowerPhotos Help

Managing photos

PowerPhotos lets you import photos, rearrange your photos in albums, and delet photos much like you can do in Photos. All of the operations below except for importing can be undone by pressing command-Z or selecting the Edit > Undo menu item.

Importing photos You can import photos into a library either by selecting Library > Import Photos… or by dragging the photos/folders you want to import from the Finder and dropping them into PowerPhotos. Read Importing Photos for more details on how importing works.

Adding photos to albums You can select and drag photos/videos in PowerPhotos and drop them onto an album in the same library to add those photos to the album. Note that if you’re dragging the photos between two different libraries (e.g. if you have one library open in a separate window), this will copy the photos from one library to the other. You cannot drag and drop photos from the Photos app and drop them into PowerPhotos, or vice versa - all photos drags must take place within a single app.

Removing photos from an album To remove photos from an album, select the photos and either press the delete key or use the Image > Remove Photos from album… menu item. Removing photos this way only removes them from the album you currently have selected, and will not delete the photos from the library as a whole, so those photos will still appear when you select the main “Library” album at the top of the album list that shows the entire contents of the library.

Delete photos from a library If you want to delete photos from a library entirely (including all the albums they belong to), select the photos in PowerPhotos then press command-delete, or select the Image > Delete Photos… menu item. You’ll be asked to confirm the deletion, and if you allow it, the photos will then be deleted from the library.

Note: On macOS 15.2 and later, photos can only be deleted from the system library directly from PowerPhotos. To delete photos from other libraries, open the library in Photos and perform the deletion there instead.

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