Fat Cat Software

PowerPhotos Help

Managing albums

PowerPhotos lets you perform many of the same operations with albums as you can in Photos itself. All of the following operations can be undone by pressing command-z or selecting Edit > Undo.

Creating a new album To create a new album, press command-shift-n or select the Image > New Album menu item. If you have a group of photos already selected, the album will be created with those photos already added to it, otherwise the new album will start empty.

Creating a folder You can create a folder in your album list by pressing command-option-n or selecting the Image > New Album Folder menu item.

Renaming an album You can click on a selected album’s name to start editing it, or control-click on an album and choose “Rename Album” from the menu that appears.

Moving albums You can select one or more albums in the album list and drag them to another location in the album list to move them there. You can hold down the command or shift key while clicking to make a multiple selection.

Deleting albums Select an album and press command-delete to delete it, or control-click the selected album(s) and choose “Delete Album” from the contextual menu.

Note that smart albums cannot be created using PowerPhotos. To create a smart album, first open the library in Photos and use the File > New Smart Album menu item there.

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